My apologies that I have been rather lax with this slot over the past year – Richard.
As a number of councils now prohibit the use of stakes in the grass we have retired the roped finish chute and will use cones at all runs
We met with the Road Run finish team and agreed that, a) 4 helpers will be allocated to the finish area at all runs, b) Race Director will not carry out a helper duty, c) Race Director documentation will be updated, d) reminders each week to wear bib and token
Agreed that if members want their name added to their bib number then this will be funded by the club
Agreed a $10 increase to fees so that our expected financial outcome for the following year is break even
Agreed Father’s Day should be a breakfast day event which will be held in the community hall at Wireless Hill
Half Marathon finish area is too small – agreed to move it back onto the large grassed area behind the Dome cafe
The publicity drive for David Carr’s world record spree to await ratification of the records by WMA and then be managed by Silke Peglow