These were decided by a sub-committee comprising Steve Weller, John Dennehy, Barbara and Richard Blurton.
The club salutes these outstanding athletes for their achievements in 2023
SPRINTS: Mandy Mason takes the nomination with her outstanding World records, (1 ratified and 2 pending), ahead of Adrian Mckenzie’s two M50 Australian sprint records. We have additionally nominated Adrian.
MIDDLE DISTANCE/STEEPLECHASE: This nomination goes to Gillian Young for her World steeplechase record and an Australian record in the 1000m. Sharon Davis was second for once again achieving great 800m/1500m Championship performances and an 800m State Record.
DISTANCE: Nomination to Astrid Roberts for her marathon PB in New York setting a State Record. Followed by Bob Lane with his outstanding age-graded performances.
WALKS: Karyn Tolardo won W55 gold medals both in State and National Championships.
JUMPS: Melissa Foster with two Australian W40 records in Torun followed by an outdoor State Triple Jump record in the W45 category.
THROWS: Luella Jenkins who is re-writing the State W80 throws records.
MULTI EVENTS: Sue Coate with an Australian record in the pentathlon, closely followed by Jenn Parker who set a State heptathlon record
BEST FEMALE: Mandy Mason
BEST MALE: Hans Venter – multi talented Hans went to Torun and set 1 Australian + 5 State Indoor Records
OFFICIAL’S AWARD: Dave Wyatt. Come rain or shine he is always there to coach members in jumps and officiate our jumps events. Dave is the key reason why we have so many good jumpers in the club.