Nedlands – August 18 2019


in Road Results

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10 km Handicap Run   (* ineligible)
Clock Time Handicap Run Time
V3 * 1:01:26 5.00 56.26
1st M. Paul Callery M45 1:01:30 9.30 52.00
Tommy Glackin * M35 1:02:12 14.37 47.35
V22 * 1:02:20 14.37 47.43
1st F. Robin King W60 1:02:49 9.42 53.07
V13 * 1:03:08 10.00 53.08
Jeremey Murray * M50 1:03:38 7.59 55.39
2nd F. Conny Brieden W50 1:03:44 7.00 56.44
2nd M. Mickey Muroi M60 1:04:07 11.23 52.44
3rd M. Peter Brooke M55 1:04:29 10.24 54.05
Matt Skellern M50 1:04:51 22.00 42.51
Anne Jones * W65 1:05:11 10.08 55.03
Rohan Thompson M40 1:05:17 8.30 56.47
Michael Pascoe M60 1:05:22 5.30 59.52
V15 * 1:05:30 0.00 65.30
Peter March M55 1:05:37 15.56 49.41
Ian Carson M65 1:05:55 12.28 53.27
V21 * 1:05:58 25.00 40.58
3rd F. Carolyn Stephens W60 1:06:02 12.20 53.42
V9 * 1:06:07 7.00 59.07
Andrew Grosas M55 1:06:11 20.48 45.23
Ceri Morton W35 1:06:14 12.48 53.26
V19 * 1:06:25 13.00 53.25
Rashanthi Wanigasekera W45 1:06:32 2.52 63.40
Don Pattinson * M65 1:06:36 13.32 53.04
V8 * 1:06:52 2.00 64.52
Michelle Skellern W45 1:06:56 5.02 61.54
Wayne Taylor M60 1:07:02 17.21 49.41
Elizabeth Gomez W40 1:07:05 21.45 45.20
Theresa Howe W65 1:07:07 0.16 66.51
John Talbot M70 1:07:13 1.39 65.34
V28 * 1:07:14 30.00 37.14
Milton Mavrick M65 1:07:19 11.22 55.57
Noelene Treen W60 1:07:20 5.18 62.02
Melinda Evans W35 1:07:25 18.57 48.28
Karen March W55 1:07:26 17.55 49.31
Jerry Peters M40 1:07:34 24.02 43.32
Rochelle Airey W50 1:07:37 15.14 52.23
David Adams M40 1:07:51 18.45 49.06
V14 * 1:07:57 16.00 51.57
V2 * 1:08:02 0.00 68.02
Chris Pattinson * W60 1:08:17 15.35 52.42
Pamela Thonell W45 1:08:21 17.49 50.32
Sha Watson W50 1:08:24 5.30 62.54
V25 * 1:08:27 20.00 48.27
V10 * 1:08:32 18.00 50.32
Jackson Wong M50 1:08:33 14.44 53.49
Craig Goldfinch M45 1:08:34 22.09 46.25
V20 * 1:08:45 8.00 60.45
Wendy Grace W65 1:09:07 6.49 62.18
V5 * 1:09:11 15.00 54.11
Jason Kell M40 1:09:12 16.30 52.42
V27 * 1:09:21 3.00 66.21
Brian Bennett M70 1:09:35 18.11 51.24
Richelle Breen W35 1:09:43 7.55 61.48
Louise Skipworth W35 1:09:54 12.30 57.24
Stephen Grannells M55 1:10:46 4.56 65.50
Bob Schickert M75 1:10:46 1.48 68.58
V11 * 1:11:00 17.00 54.00
Tim Inglis M60 1:15:08 8.38 66.30
Sandra Levis * W55 1:15:31 0.00 75.31
Kathy Skehan W55 1:18:14 0.00 78.14
Phillippa Bennett W60 1:25:10 0.00 85.10
Frank Price M70 1:30:44 0.00 90.44
5 km Run
V21 18:39
1st F. Joanna Lloyd W45 21:40
1st M. Chris Maher M65 21:54
2nd M. Kevin Johnson M60 21:55
V7 23:11
V12 23:21
3rd M. Graeme Dahl M65 24:18
2nd F. Margaret Saunders W65 24:46
Jim Klinge M70 25:20
Randy Hobbs M55 26:12
3rd F. Lisa Limonas W50 26:48
Anne Young W45 26:51
Ivan Brown M70 27:04
Keith Atkinson M60 27:14
Mark Kerr M45 28:21
V16 28:59
Charlie Chan M65 29:01
David Carr M85 30:00
Ngaio Kerr W45 30:07
Mark Hewitt M65 30:26
Delia Baldock W55 31:03
Jenny Audsley W55 31:37
Peter Hopper M70 34:37
Hamish McGlashan M80 34:50
Jackie Halberg W70 35:20
Karen Alford W50 35:42
V6 37:26
V4 37:37
Merv Jones M80 38:20
Erika Blake W65 39:21
Allan Billington M55 39:25
Jan Jarvis W70 41:45
Marg Forden W75 43:52
V1 44:56
Rebekah Blake W40 45:19
5 km Walk
1st M. Christian D’argent M60 31:40
2nd M. John McDonagh M70 35:38
3rd M. Haydn Gawne M70 37:49
1st F. Peggy Macliver W75 42:49
2nd F. Lesley Dowling W60 45:07
Mike Hale M70 45:53
Rex Bruce M75 46:03
3rd F. Pamela English W70 46:43
Dorothy Whittam W80 47:15
Margaret Bennett W75 50:56
Sofia Carson W55 50:58
Hazel Stephen W70 51:08
Jo Richardson W65 51:50
Evelyn Gilbert W55 54:05
V26 54:07
Neil McRae M65 55:20
V17 55:37
V23 55:38
V24 56:02
Priscilla Wilson W40 56:20
Akos Gyarmathy M60 56:25
Roger Walsh M75 56:27
Paul Martin M75 56:28
V29 56:58
John Smith M80 57:42


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