ECAC – January 16 2025


in Track & Field Results

Heat 1
Matt Walker M40 8.06
Malachi MacKay M40 9.00
Michelle Davies W40 9.15
Sue Coate W55 9.44
Jenn Parker W55 9.52
Catherine Manners W40 9.93
Stephen Crabbe M75 11.67
Heat 2
Des Walsh M70 10.32
Tegan Durbridge W35 12.57
Bob Schickert M80 12.80
Mike Anderson M75 14.58
Lynne Schickert W80 15.71
Andy Roach M45 5:53.48
Mariette Botha W40 6:21.87
Isabella Tolardo Vis 6:48.36
John McShane M60 7:12.54
Fiona van Heerwaarden W45 8:24.13
1500m walk
Karyn Tolardo W55 9:51.19
Matt Walker M40 12.90
Malachi MacKay M40 14.14
Michelle Davies W40 15.41
Catherine Manners W40 15.68
Heat 2
Des Walsh M70 16.78
Stephen Crabbe M75 19.22
Tegan Durbridge W35 20.08
Jackie Halberg W75 27.51
80m Hurdles
Jenn Parker W55 15.82
Sue Coate W55 17.41
Tammi Doyle W50 17.86
Andy Roach M45 13:58.06
Isabella Tolardo Vis 14:37.23
Tegan Durbridge W35 15:14.55
John McShane M60 17:23.07
Bob Schickert M80 21:56.98
3000m walk
Karyn Tolardo W55 19:28.66
Fiona van Heerwaarden W45 21:09.89
Steve Travell M65 30:36.68
Long Jump
Jenn Parker W55 4.34m
Sue Coate W55 3.93m
Dave Wyatt M70 3.88m
Tammi Doyle W50 3.82m
Lisa Limonas W55 3.73m
Gay Wyatt W70 3.14m
Carol Bowman W70 2.57m
Lynne Schickert W80 1.86m
Triple Jump
Lisa Limonas W55 7.51m
Gay Wyatt W70 6.73m
Lynne Schickert W80 4.65m
Alex Newman M45 38.86m
Jenn Parker W55 27.88m
J Conway-Mortimer M50 27.01m
Ben Botha M45 24.93m
Malachi MacKay M40 23.95m
Des Walsh M70 23.59m
Anika Botha Vis 23.31m
Sue Coate W55 21.60m
Mariette Botha W40 21.00m
Tammi Doyle W50 18.30m
Mike Anderson M75 15.82m
Zelda Claassen Vis 15.04m
Alex Newman M45 11.22m
Sue Coate W55 9.46m
Jenn Parker W55 9.30m
J Conway-Mortimer M50 9.16m
Ben Botha M45 8.59m
Mariette Botha W40 8.31m
Des Walsh M70 7.82m
Lisa Limonas W55 7.76m
Malachi MacKay M40 7.75m
Tammi Doyle W50 7.48m
Anika Botha Vis 7.28m
Zelda Claassen Vis 5.72m


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General Information

STOP PRESS – all State Champs events now at ECAC

Pole vault is now on Friday 14th February.
Please read this information note before entering.
Information note Part 2

Entry Form Part 2

Programme for 2nd and 13th March

Timetable Part 1

Sunday Run visitor registration

Visitors pre-register for next Sunday Run


New or elapsed members should fill in this form, (fee is $60 metro, $50 country) – new member/elapsed member form

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



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