The committee have agreed a few minor changes to the way records are presented, as recommended by the Club Statistician.
The official list of state records is unchanged except that we have added the 1000m.
Currently there is a list of “non championship event state records” and this will now be split into two lists. The first is the obsolete records. The second is for the remainder which will now be called State Bests, not records. So we will only have “records” where courses are certified and walks are judged. Certificates will not be given for new State Bests.
If members think they may have broken a State Best they should inform the Statistician.
The records and bests are updated on the website every April, so as to include performances in the State and National Track and Field Championships.
Anyone referring to new records should always use the word “pending” until they know for certain that the record has been ratified.