


The club records and bests have been updated and placed on the website under the ‘Records’ tab. They are correct as at November 1st. Note that the bests now include data from the increasingly popular ‘Park Run’ series of races.

If anyone believes they have set a record, and it is not included in these lists, please let Club Statistician Barbara Blurton know.

See also below a note from Barbara on record claims.

Record Claims
Are you looking to break a State, or even Australian or World record?

There are certain criteria to be met:
For State records
Other than at major championships, ask for 3 watches to be used for your time and if your performance is a possible record, make sure a note is made on the recording sheet.
Throwers should ensure the sheet is signed by 2 officials and a note is made of which tape has been used.

Australian and World records
These need to be recorded on special claim forms. Regular record breakers should carry forms with them (download from the AMA website). Ideally the claimant fills out the form straight after the performance and chases relevant officials before they go home, otherwise collecting signatures and documents can take weeks.

These forms could be either sent to Barbara Blurton (MAWA statistician) or directly to Clyde Riddoch (Australian statistician)

Below is an extract from an email sent from Clyde:
I also wanted to mention that we should chase up world record claims as soon as possible once we are aware of them. There have been many Australians over the years who never received listing in WMA’s official record list despite breaking world records. The record claim process from time of performance to acceptance by the WMA records officer can often take a very long time. Far too long!! All sorts of unforeseen problems occur if record claims are old.

If a better record comes along after an Australian claims it, WMA will forget ours and list the better performance. I can guarantee that Australians will get their certificates, but WMA validation, acknowledgement and listing is out of my hands.

Barbara Blurton


Latest News …

State Championships

General Information

STOP PRESS – all State Champs events now at ECAC

Pole vault is now on Friday 14th February.
Please read this information note before entering.
Information note Part 2

Entry Form Part 2

Programme for 2nd and 13th March

Timetable Part 1

Sunday Run visitor registration

Visitors pre-register for next Sunday Run


New or elapsed members should fill in this form, (fee is $60 metro, $50 country) – new member/elapsed member form

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



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