– Club has purchased a defibrillator, and Carol is arranging for MAWA members to be trained in its use
– Melbourne Cup lunch was highly successful and will be repeated next year
– A social tab has been added to the website
– For 2016 Sunday Runs the 12 Morning Teas will be managed on a roster. Anyone prepared to do just one Sunday should let Joan know
– Herdsman Run next year will start from the Pony Club itself, giving us ample parking and shelter
– MAWA will do a club promotion at the Pioneer Parkrun 2 year celebration on 9th January
– Delia will gauge interest in participating in the AMA Postal Relays next year, and will manage them for MAWA if there is sufficient interest
– State Championship budget was approved. The move to ECAC is allowing a reduction in entry fees. An information note giving dates and venues for all events will be issued shortly. Registration will open in early January
– The Ann Shaw ‘Athlete of the Meet award’ and the John Gilmour ‘Athlete of the Year’ award will in future be decided by a panel and the committee respectively, based on potential candidates identified by the Statistician. The previous criteria were simply the highest age-graded performance, but in some areas the age-graded tables give skewed results.
– For the Achievement award the additional criteria that the winner had to have made a significant contribution to the club will be dropped, so that the award is purely given for performance improvement
– The qualifying period for the Achievement and John Gilmour Awards will be the financial year, so that they can be awarded at the AGM in September
– 25 new members in the first 2 weeks in December is very encouraging