- Membership is over 600 for the first time in our history
- The MAWA coaching sessions are going well with typically 5 – 10 members at each
- Joan Pellier will be Race Director for Cross Country with Jim away
- A commercial coffee van is now attending selected Sunday runs
- Russell Smith’s iron-on numbers can now include member name
- AMA have asked State views on continuing Postal Relays. Ours will be that despite our best efforts we cannot get enough support.
- Website menus have been rationalised and improved
- T-shirt sales have proved popular and so they have been added to the MAWA shop options. Uniform sales through the shop are going well
- Preparations are underway for the AGM in September. Nominations for Life Membership must be submitted to Club Secretary by early August. Nomination slips for committee positions are now available. All nominations must be signed by a proposer and a seconder
- The possibility of providing accident insurance cover for all members is being re-visited
- The Strategy Sub-Committee has made some recommendations to improve the road progamme which the committee have adopted: 1. A Road Running Championships for short runners will be introduced with 3 distances up to 6 or 7km. 2. To ensure interest and variety we will aim to introduce a new run each year, initially dropping at least one of the many runs at Burswood/McCallum. For 2017 we already have Woodbridge in Midland instead of East Perth, and we may make one other change