With World Championships in Perth approaching we know you will all want to achieve the best result you can, so now is the time to work with a coach to improve your technique and/or develop and maintain a training programme that is tailored to your needs.
MAWA is pleased to announce the launch of our coaching initiative, using coaches from the club, all highly experienced in bringing out the best in Masters age athletes.
The programme will run from 1st May to 31st July as a trial, but will continue after that if well-attended. We urge you to take advantage of this great opportunity. There is no charge to members, but note that WAAS entry fees will apply
There is no need to contact the coach – just turn up
Tom Lenane is a very experienced coach and his sessions will include sprinting, hurdling and starting block techniques. They are at ECAC every Wednesday. Normally this will be between 4:30pm and 6pm but Tom is happy to stay until 7pm for any member who can’t get to the track early
Middle Distance
John Dennehy is an excellent coach specialising in 400/800m and will work with you on key track sessions. Every Saturday 9am at WAAS
Middle Distance
Margaret Saunders is a top AWA-qualified coach and has State Records over 800m/1000m/1 mile and Steeplechase. She will give a coaching session every Thursday, meet 3:45pm at the top car park at McGillvray Oval
Marathon/Half Marathon
Jim Barnes is our Marathon Man having completed over 100 marathons. Jim takes a training group at 6am every Saturday at McCallum Park, Taylor street car park
Dave Wyatt has coached Masters in jumps technique for many years. He will alternate Long/Triple/High. His sessions are at WAAS 5:30pm every Tuesday. Stay on for our track and field competition to put your improved technique into practice.
Tom Gravestock is a highly experienced coach particularly with discus and shot, but also hammer. He will not cover javelin and we will seek a javelin coach. Tom’s sessions are every Thursday at WAAS commencing 6pm