We urgently need helpers for our next run on Sunday 8 October at Burswood (Mattagarup Run)
If you have missed your turn and are able to help please contact Race Director Wayne Pantall 0415 684 368 or email the secretary mawasecretary@gmail.com
We have experienced a large drop out lately of helpers who are scheduled to help but unable to come. If you aren’t sure of your commitments you can check the Helper List under the “Road” menu. It has the contact number for each Race Director.
- When you join please make note of the dates you have nominated to help and put them in your diary or calendar.
- If something unavoidable comes up preventing you from helping please contact the Race Director or Volunteer Coordinator as soon as you know!
- This will give us more time to find replacements and enable us to re-schedule volunteers to help on another date.
- Each event requires a certain number of helpers to hold the run safely and although we allow for a few spares it makes it very difficult for the organisers when nearly half drop out.
Thank you for your support!