Reminder – our Christmas Gift Run on Christmas Eve is a bit different…
…it’s a party!
The Run/walk is not timed or a set distance – you can do whatever suits you!
Starts at 7.30am so you don’t have to rush
All members welcome to come along!
- Come dressed in your Favourite Festive garb (there will be prizes for best costumes!)
Following the run the Christmas elves put on a wonderful Festive morning tea spread!
(special thanks to Elaine and all her merry helpers)
- To join in the festivities please bring a present (worth $10) to put under the gum tree!
These are given out during the party in age groups called at random – so everyone who brings a present will get to collect one!
Please Note: Sunday Runs continue but there is a two week break in
Track and Field after Christmas – resuming on 9th and 11th January