Apologies for missing the last 2 months, due to being busy with Nationals and then being away recovering from being busy with Nationals.
- Following further discussions with the Council, details for the new Bold Park 2.9/5.4/7.9k event are firming up.
- The results tag system is performing well, and now being used without the manual back-up.
- The winter T & F programme is now underway, and includes meets at WAAS in August as preparation for Malaga
- The Nationals in April went very well. Thanks to VenuesWest sponsorship, the bumper entry, and excellence cost management by the committee, a substantial surplus will flow to MAWA. Precise details can be seen by members when the MAWA accounts are published ahead of the AGM.
- The UWA 10k track handicap will continue. A new race director is needed.
- The Short RWC/RRC will continue, but now on exactly the same Sundays as the full RWC/RRC. Participation in the short event would have been higher if Deepwater Point had been avoided, as this always clashes with HBF Run for a Reason.
- Athletes pushing strollers will be allowed at Sunday runs. They are requested to start at the back of the field.
- New throws equipment has been purchased. The committee approved the purchase of a set of 8 starting blocks plus trolley for ECAC.
- A photofinish package has now been purchased, using funds from the Perth 2016 trust. It will be used for State Champs at ECAC, and we also plan to use it for our regular Thursday track meets in the summer season. Any member who would like to be trained in its use should contact Richard Blurton.
- For active members, helping at Sunday runs or at T & F is a requirement of membership. With our high membership we now have a large number of members on a reserves list, and these people must be prepared to fill gaps when requested by helpers coordinator Jim Langford.
- Membership continues to rise and has now passed 600.