- John Dennehy reports on Masters performances at the Track Classic and State Open Champs.
- Entries close for the VenuesWest AMA Championships to be held in Perth on March 16 and all the background to the event is in the first enewsletter.
- Clive Choate gives an insight into the recent Oceania Masters Championships in Dunedin. There are 10 pages devoted to the event which feature “My Champs” stories from a number of masters.
- Carmel Meyer’s profile story looks at Rob Nichols’ lonely, late nights.
- Margaret Saunders delves into the research on the recovery for masters.
- John Dennehy looks at some of the highlights of this year’s track and field season.
- Happy reading and don’t forget to enter online for the Perth Nationals.
You can download a copy from the TFNL Magazine page or view in the online catalogue