We will restart our weekly track meets on June 11th at 6pm
A Covid 19 plan has been submitted to Canning Council and this requires that:
– We stay 1.5m apart at all times, except when overtaking another athlete on the track
– One person will fill in all sign-in details to avoid multiple handling of pens and paper
– Fees will be put into the box as usual – try and bring exact amount
– Hand sanitiser will be placed on the table at the finish line – use before and after handling anything, eg stop watches, big clock, bell
– 100m and 60m will use every other lane
– No doubling up on lanes in 800m
– Mass starts will use rows as required to maintain 1.5m. Faster runners on front row
The first meeting on 11th will have some ad hoc races to trial our Covid plan. A programme will be produced starting on June 18th.