Our Track and Field Athletes have had another stellar year despite the lack of National and International competition. We had a record entry at the State Championships and good attendance at our weekly meets through the year. Congratulations to the following for being nominated for AMA Awards:
Sprints -Barbara Blurton. Breaking AMA Hall of Fame Athlete Ann Cooper’s Australian records is no mean feat. Barbara achieved that not once but twice in the W70 100m and 200m.
Middle Distance -Chris Gould. State Records in the 1000m and 3000m and running only just outside 2 minutes for 800m at 45 years old.
Distance – Roberto Busi. Many great runs from Roberto the highlight being a 10,000m State Record missing the Australian record by just 6 seconds
Jumps – Ruth Johnson. Ruth celebrated moving into W80 in style with an Australian high jump record plus State records in the long and triple
Throws – Todd Davey. Todd hit great form last year with Australian records in the shot put, super weight and 56lb weight.
Walks – Andrew Duncan. Continuing our great record in the walks, Andrew scored 4 State Records with age-grades in the high 80’s and low 90’s.
Multi-evets – Mark Jeffery. Australian record in the pentathlon at our State Champs with a magnificent 3577 points
Female Athlete of the year – Ruth Johnson. What a year for Ruth with numerous records in runs, jumps and throws.
Male Athlete of the year – Todd Davey. For his 3 Australian records in the throws
Best Performance of the year – Barbara Blurton. High 90%’s for Barbara’s 200m Australian record
The selections were made by a panel consisting of four MAWA members all of whom have considerable experience in masters athletics.