Our uniform stock has now been replenished so if you were after a men’s singlet all sizes are now available again. To order uniforms just go to the “MAWA Shop” tab at the top.
Our uniform stock has now been replenished so if you were after a men’s singlet all sizes are now available again. To order uniforms just go to the “MAWA Shop” tab at the top.
STOP PRESS – all State Champs events now at ECAC
Pole vault is now on Friday 14th February.
Please read this information note before entering.
Information note Part 2
Visitors pre-register for next Sunday Run
New or elapsed members should fill in this form, (fee is $60 metro, $50 country) – new member/elapsed member form
Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration
Summer T & F Programme 2024-25