Committee Summary – February 2016



– Membership sits at 531, with 80 new members joining since 1st December. As expected this is boosted by T & F members looking to the World Championships in October
– Switch of Darlington and Mattagarup confirmed, and revised programme issued
– Agreed to advise a commercial coffee van company they are welcome to come to our runs and see if they get adequate business
– Masters Athletics WA will be printed on marshal vests so members of the public know who we are
– We have not always had a non-competing judge at Tuesday throws events as we indicated we would. A new roster will be established
– Record number of entries to State Championships by a large margin – 196. The set up with electronic timing and electronic lap-scoring that we will use at World Championships will be trialled at our Championships
– Discussion with Canning on a new hammer cage at ECAC continue. Agreed that as MAWA are the major beneficiary, a financial contribution to the cost of the new cage should come from MAWA. The cage is a key enabler for future State Championships to be at ECAC
– Agreed to order new MAWA t-shirts in addition to singlets and crop tops. We are actively working to get a fully online uniform ordering arrangement set up. After State Champs uniforms will only be available online. Up to and including State Champs Colin will bring uniforms to events for cash purchase. All uniforms will be sold for $35. Online purchasers can either pay $6 p & p, or elect to collect from Colin at ECAC
– The new MAWA coaching arrangements will be trialled for 3 months commencing 1st May. A post describing the plan will be on the website in April
– Propose to change the MAWA Constitution so that nominations for the committee must be received in writing at least 2 weeks before the AGM, and also that the number of other committee members be set at 4 rather than not less than 4. This amendment would mean that there are no nominations from the floor at the AGM


Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

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Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



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