
  • Patron’s Trophy Interim Scores

    Here are the scores

  • Vale Jim Turnbull 1936 – 2021

    Jim moved from his Melville home to regional WA several years ago. His bright bubbly attitude was then missed at events. Jim competed as a race walker with MAWA and with the WA Walkers club. Their Jim Turnbull Shield for 100 Miles in 24 Hours for both men and women was donated by Jim, who…

  • State Relay Championships

    These will be held on 11th December. There are 5 categories and would be great if we could have a team in each. 4×100 (up to 2 teams) 4×400 (up to 2 teams) MIXED MEDLEY (1200/800/400/1600M) (up to 2 teams) Long jump (one male one female) one team. Shot  (one male one female) open weight.…

  • 5000m this week at ECAC

    As this week’s track programme is short we will offer a 5000m this week in addition to the 3000m

  • Club Contacts and AGM

    Please note that the Minutes of the AGM and the new list of club officials with contact details is now on the website under the ‘About Us’ tab.

  • Handicap Trophy 2021-2022

    The MAWA Handicap Trophy is on again, last years’ winners, Rashanthi and Zane are history, their impressive feats from last year long forgotten, their superstar status thrown to the wayside, starting back in the pack with the rest of us.It is a very exciting field for the first race of the season, we have 203…

  • WAAS is ON

    The Tuesday Track and Field meets are now happening with Mark and David running the track and Mike looking after throws. Start time is 6:30pm and we have exclusive use from 7:30pm. Peruse the programme on the website and come along for a great night’s competition.

  • October TFNL now available

    Head to the magazine tab to either download the latest TFNL or read it in the virtual bookcase.

  • Stunning 10000m from Roberto

    As Jim Barnes will tell you anyone who can break a Frank Smith record is a truly great athlete. Well Roberto Busi did it at the State 10000m Championships on Friday, setting a time of 31:48.53 to beat Frank’s M45 State Record by over 50 seconds. Roberto’s time was only 6 seconds off the Australian…

  • Track and Field Programme Revised

    On 6th October VenuesWest announced that the re-surface of WAAS would be postponed for a year. As a consequence we have booked the venue and will start a track and field programme at WAAS every Tuesday commencing on 12th October at 6:30pm. Our thanks go to David Adams, Mike Anderson and Mark Dawson for agreeing…


Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

Track and Field

Winter programme 2024

2023/2024 Coaching/Training Programme

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