Entries for State Championships close tomorrow, Friday 26 February. Please don’t leave it until the last few hours in case of problems. Contact Barbara immediately if you do have any issues.

  • Contact Tracing sign-in at MAWA events

    ECAC – Canning Council have confirmed that no sign-in is required. WAAS – please follow instructions when entering the stadium. Sunday Runs – there is no general requirement for sign in at our Sunday Runs. It is unlikely but not impossible that a specific council will request it and if this happens we will let…

  • Daegu Virtual Marathon

    The Daegu International Marathon will take place this year as a virtual race. In an effort to promote athletics amid the prolonged COVID 19 crisis, the organisers would like to offer the opportunity to participate in the 2021 Daegu International Marathon Virtual race free of charge to WMA, (and hence MAWA), members. Please see the following…

  • Bob Sammells Funeral

    This will be held on Thursday 18th February, 4pm, at Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, Whitfords Avenue.

  • Vale Bob Sammells

    Robert (Bob) Edward Sammells, born 6 January 1937, died peacefully on 8th February. Bob was an enthusiastic supporter and participant in many sports throughout his life, but none more than athletics. He joined the (then) WA Veterans Athletics Club in about 1977, and his membership saw him spend many years on the state committee, including…

  • MAWA Events this week

    Please see the information below regarding our events in the coming week: Monday training: Will go ahead but masks to be worn while not running Tuesday: Track meeting is cancelled. WAAS may exceed 150 and for some reason they say wear masks even when running Thursday: Will go ahead with masks to be worn when…


    State Championship entries are now open, but PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION SHEET FIRST

  • Friendship Run

    The Government have posed a 150 person limit on community sporting events. As we have exceeded this total in recent weeks, we will cancel the Friendship Run this weekend. Watch the website/facebook for further announcements on MAWA events.

  • February Vetrun

    The February Vetrun is now available. Head to the Magazines Tab to download the High or Low Res version.

  • State Championships Entries

    In view of the Covid situation, the start of entries for State Championships will be postponed until Saturday.