• MAWA Membership

    The form for renewal/membership for 2020 is now available

  • November TFNL

    The latest issue of TFNL can be accessed from the magazine tab. Download the PDF or access it from the virtual bookcase.

  • Committee Summary November 2019

    Welcome to new members Pam Thonell and Silke Peglow Committee roles agreed. Janne will continue with trophies, Pam will be Sunday run co-ordinator, Silke will do Sunday equipment and share visitor table with Andrew, Mark will continue with track and field Mark Kerr will handover facebook administration to Silke, Maureen Kershwar and Jenn Parker Super…

  • Track and Field Coaching

    Our 2019 – 2020 programme is now fully up and running with details on the website, right sidebar. We have some first class coaches and attending these sessions is completely free to members. So take advantage and improve your skill and your performances.

  • Sausage Sizzle

    Apologies our sausage sizzle at Safety Bay did not go to plan as the BBQ’s weren’t working. So you don’t miss out Elaine will be putting on a sausage sizzle at next Sunday’s run at Garvey Park for everyone to enjoy.

  • Sports Massage

    Student Massage clinic at South Metro TAFE now available. They are looking for anyone that is training for an event and would be interested in using massage to help them manage or prevent an injury. Please click on the flyer below for more information and how to apply: Sports Massage Clinic Flyer

  • 2020 Sunday Programme

    The programme is now on the website – right side bar. Sunday runners can now use this to select their preferred helper dates for when the renewal form becomes available on 25th November.

  • AWA Life Members

    Congratulations to our following members who have been awarded Life Membership with Athletics WA at their recent AGM: Barrie Kernaghan along with Bob and Lynne Schickert for many years dedication as athletes and officials.

  • Well done Bruce

    Congratulations to Bruce Wilson on being awarded Life Membership of Athletics Australia. Read this tribute to Bruce. Bruce Wilson life membership

  • AMA Super Weight

    AMA has announced the introduction of the Super Weight as an AMA Competition Event. The event will be conducted at the AMA Winter Throws Championships and can also be conducted at State Club level as an optional Weight Throw event. The event will not be conducted at the AMA National Championships. There will be State…