• Team Manager Oceania

    AMA is seeking Expressions of Interest for the position of Australian Team Manager for the Oceania Masters Championships in Mackay Queensland 31 August to 7 September 2019. Please send EIO to AMA Vice President Steve McGugan by 22 February Please click on link below for details: EOI Australian Team Manager

  • High Jump 29 January

    Please note that Dave Wyatt will be away next Tuesday for the High Jump at WAAS However you can still do the high jump but participants will need to organise it amongst yourselves on the day and collect (and return) the jump bar from the Venues West reception. Thank you.

  • McCallum Lakes Photos

    Photos taken by Graeme Dahl at our McCallum Lakes run showcasing sunny Perth are now available for viewing at the following link: Graeme Dahl’s Flickr Album Thanks Graeme

  • State Championships 2019

    The information sheet and entry form are now on the website, right sidebar. It is vitally important that you read the information sheet BEFORE starting to complete your entry form. You will need to be aware of some changes this year in the timing of events.

  • Vale Rob Young

    Rob Young, long-standing MAWA member and well respected among southwest athletics as an athlete and a coach, passed away on 14th January. His funeral is to be held on Wed 23rd 1pm at Bunbury Crematorium for those who wish to go. Rob lived in Collie and was an active member of the Bunbury club. He…

  • January 2019 TFNL

    The latest edition of TFNL is now available on the magazines page. Head over to the magazines tab to download a pdf copy or view in the digital bookshelf.

  • Dwellingup Camp

    Camp 1-4 March 2019 It’s nearly that time again for our popular long weekend away at Dwellingup staying in chalets at the Dwellingup Caravan Park. For planned activities please see the itinerary on our “Social” page. To secure your place please see Elaine Dance at our Sunday morning runs or contact her by email: danaine@hotmail.com…

  • Welcome Run Photos

    For Graeme Dahl’s photos from our Welcome Run on Sunday 5 January please go to the following link: Graeme Dahl’s Flickr Album

  • Vale Chris Tittel

    MAWA member Christian Tittel has sadly passed away from cancer on 26 December aged 90 Chris was an enthusiastic thrower who just recently competed successfully at Worlds in Malaga and has State Records in  M90 Discus and M85 and M90 Hammer, Weight Throw, Shot Put and Throws Pentathlon.  If you would like to attend the…

  • Level 2 Technical Course

    The WA Athletics Officials Club has organised a Level 2 Technical Seminar & Workshop for 12 & 13 January 2018 at WAAS. Please see full information in flyer below: Level 2 Seminar Flyer