• Insurance

    This newspost is to remind members of the arrangements we have with Athletics WA on registration and insurance. All MAWA members are registered with AWA which means you do not have to pay a registration fee to compete in AWA events. That registration gives our members the full benefits of the Athletics Australia insurance policy…

  • Have a Go Day

    The Seniors Recreation Council of WA 2018 “Have a Go Day” will be on Wednesday 14 November 9am to 3pm at Burswood MAWA will be having a stand there to provide information about Masters Athletics so if you go along please pop in to say hello (site 36) The event will be in the area…

  • 2019 World Indoors

    The 2019 World Indoor Championships will be held in: Torun, Poland 24-30 March 2019 Registrations are open – please see website link below: WMACI 2019 Australian Uniform –  please note you now need to wear the current Australian Uniform to participate.  If you don’t already have this please go to the AMA website below to…

  • 2019 Nationals

    The AMA Track & Field Championships for 2019 will be in Melbourne 26-29 April 2019 – draft schedule is available see website below: Melbourne 2019 Entries will be opening soon

  • Melbourne Cup Lunch

    Only two places left available for our Melbourne Cup Lunch at Miss Maud on 6 November! If you would like to come please see Elaine Dance (see Social page)

  • TFNL 2018 WMA Championships Malaga

    The latest edition of TFNL is now available on the magazines page. In this issue: Australian athletes have returned from Malaga in sunny Spain and this edition features photos of several of the events. In addition a number of athletes have shared their championships’ experiences with “My Worlds” stories. Head over to the magazines tab…

  • Committee Meeting Summary, September/October

    Membership fees will remain the same, except that the supplement for posted vetrun will increase to $20. A special $20 membership will apply to new and rejoining members joining for the remainder of 2018. Bold Park run very successful. Some issues identified, and a report by Paul Hughes on recommended changes has been passed to…

  • New Committee & AGM Awards

    Thanks to everyone who came to the AGM on Sunday it was a great turn out. The full minutes will be placed on the website for viewing in due course. Special thanks to retiring committee members Keith Hill, Margaret Bennett and Jenn Parker for their great contributions over their time on the committee.  Please also…

  • Throws Pentathlon

    We are hoping to go ahead with the throws pentathlon scheduled on Saturday 13 October at ECAC 2.30 pm despite forecast for rain. Please contact Jenn Parker in the morning if you would like to check it is still going ahead before you come: Ph: 0428 760 003

  • AGM Reminder

    Just a reminder that our AGM will be held at 9.45 am on Sunday 14 October following the Claypit Circuit run at Perry Lakes and morning tea in the Hockey Club rooms. Any apologies please send to: mawasecretary@gmail.com