• Coaching Books

    The Australian Track & Field Coaches Association WA has some coaching books for sale: If you would like to buy any please phone their Secretary Anne Masters on 9381 7673 or email to: atfcawa@gmail.com Books available are:- The Young Athlete’s Handbook – Your guide to success in sports $32.00 Strength Ball Training $32.00 The Strength…

  • Sunday Photos

    Please go to the following link to view Graeme Dahl’s photos from Sunday’s RRC and RWC: Graeme Dahl’s Flickr Album

  • 2018 Long and short RRC/RWC

    See the attached for the full results of both RRC and RWC. Long and short RRC/RWC results

  • AMA ENews June

    Please click on the following link to view your AMA ENewsletter for June: AMA ENews June Malaga Info Flyer

  • WA Race Walkers Club

    If you are interested in the the WA Race Walkers Club Winter program please go to the following link to download: WARWC  Note they will be holding our Masters State 10k Road Walking Championships on 15 July

  • Sunday runners with prams

    After requests from members the committee has decided to trial allowing runners with prams to participate at Sunday runs. For safety runners with prams should start at the rear of the pack Note cross country runs and some other courses may not be suitable for prams – if in doubt please contact the Race Director.…

  • Perth Marathon

    Registrations are open for the 2018 Running Warehouse Perth Marathon which will be held on 17 June. There is a new course this year starting from The Camfield, Burswood.  The event is run by the WA Marathon Club – for more details please go to the link below: WA Marathon Club This year MAWA will…

  • Age Graded Walk Handicap Correction

    The results from the Age Graded Walks on 18 March 2018 have now been corrected.

  • TFNL Nationals Edition

    The Perth 2018  Nationals issue of the WA Track and Field Newsletter (TFNL) is now in the virtual bookcase (link below): www.flipsnack.com/A95BC9BA9F7/ While TFNL’s focus is primarily on WA athletes, the addition of “My Nationals” stories from the East coast has added to the insights from WA.  

  • Upcoming Events

    Upcoming Events – please note Australian Championship and International events below: AMA = Australian Masters Athletics / WMA = World Masters Athletics 2018 5 August – AMA 20k Walk Championships in Adelaide (entries open soon and will close 29/7): www.samastersathletics.org.au 19 August – AMA Half Marathon in ACT (entries close 16/8): https://actmastersathleticshalfmarathon2018.eventdesq.com 4 – 16…