• Championship Photos

    Many thanks to Graeme Dahl and his helpers for working hard throughout the National Championships taking great action photos! You will be able to view these at the following link: Perth 2018 Flickr Album

  • City of Canning Sports Equipment Grant

    MAWA has been awarded a City of Canning Sports Equipment Grant to purchase much needed throwing equipment for use at Ern Clark Athletics Centre. We now have two new 500g and 600g Javelins and a 4kg Hammer which Janne tried out last week.

  • Reminder Grant Votes

    Don’t forget to vote for our application for a Bankwest Easy Grant of $1,000 Anyone can vote but you can only vote once Just go to the following link and vote for Masters Athletics WA by Friday 27 April: Bankwest Easy Grants  Thanks to everyone who has already voted!

  • Winter Track

    Our extended summer track and field program finished this week for the lead up to the Nationals. Good luck to everyone in the Championships and thanks to everyone who is contributing! The Winter program for ECAC will be published after the Championships finish – we will have a short break and recommence 17 May. WAAS…

  • April 2018 TFNL Now Available

    The April issue of the Track and Field Newsletter (TFNL) is now in available from the virtual bookcase or via the Magazines page. In this issue: With more than 570 competitors have entered the AMA Championships in Perth, you can read the information you will need on the champs. In addition on pages 16 to…

  • Track Handicap

    Results are on the website under T&F results, Special events

  • AMA Award Nominees

    Please click on link below to view all the 2018 Australian Masters Athletics Awards Nominees Awards are based on 2017 athletic performances The Category Winners will be announced at the AMA Championships Dinner in Perth 28 April 2018 AMA Award Nominees 2018

  • Volunteers Still Needed

    Thanks to everyone who has already volunteered to help out at the Nationals – we couldn’t run the event without you! If you haven’t already let Margaret Langford know your T-shirt size please do so ASAP as we need to order them by Friday! There are still a few places left to fill so if…

  • New tag system

    The ‘new tag’ team would like to thank all members for remembering their tags and following the instructions give at the finish area. The trial went very smoothly, and the results using the new system were compiled very quickly.  A further trial will be carried out at the next run

  • Pre-existing medical conditions

    At a recent Sunday Run a member collapsed and was treated by a member who is a doctor. He was taken to hospital and recovered well. The incident prompted the committee to decide to keep a folder at the start/finish area with details of relevant member medical conditions. While it will be marked ‘medical confidential’…