• October Committee Meeting Summary

    The lower fees for joint members can no longer be justified, so all members will pay the individual fee. Lower fees for Country members will be retained. All individual membership fees are reduced by $5, which means that joint members renewing will pay $5 more. The 2018 form will be online only and has been…

  • Committee member responsibilities

    Committee responsibilities for 2017/2018 will be as follows. If you have a questions or issue on a specific topic it would help us if you could address it to the appropriate committee member. Contact details are on the Our Club\About Us tab. If you have a general issue or concern, speak to any committee member…

  • Vale Ray Gimi

    We were shocked to hear the tragic news that Ray Gimi passed away suddenly last weekend – still wearing his kit after his morning run. Running was Ray’s passion. He was well liked by all of us who do the Sunday runs. He was a gentleman and a gentle man and was selfless in looking…

  • October TFNL Out Now

    The October edition of TFNL (Track & Field Newsletter) is now available. You can download your pdf copy here (also available from the magazines page) or alternatively view in the online bookshelf here. In this edition: Summer Season starts Giovanni Puglisi and Cecil Walkley’s Oxford banter Carmel Meyer profiles Syliva Byers Margaret Saunders writes on…

  • Melbourne Cup Lunch

    Tickets to this year’s lunch can now be purchased from the MAWA online shop.

  • Short Road Running Championships

    Congratulations to our two winners, Margaret Saunders with 4:35m/km and Jim Klinge with 4:28m/km. The committee felt there were a number of factors that contributed to the poor participation level, and have agreed to hold a further championship next year, along with a corresponding short walks championships.

  • 10k track racing, (updated)

    Members are reminded that there is no longer a 10k track race as part of the Patron’s Trophy. If anyone wants to do a 10k track race this year the 2 options, both called John Gilmour, are very close together. The AWA event is at WAAS on 28th October, while the WAMC event is at…

  • New Strive Season

    MAWA athletes are reminded that we pay a lump sum to AWA so that all of our athletes are registered with AWA. So MAWA athletes do not need to independently register, just pay the weekly entrance fee. The AWA registration gives ALL MAWA members personal accident insurance whenever they are competing or officiating/helping at MAWA…

  • Summer Throws Competitions

    Our summer competitions have commenced at WAAS and ECAC, and the programme is now on the website. For this season Glen Bartlett has kindly agreed to come each week, starting 19th October, to judge the competitions at ECAC. This will greatly enhance the competitions and ensure that any records can be readily ratified. With the…

  • Vine Runner Events

    Please see the poster on these events on Saturday 9th December POSTER 2017 VINE RUNNER