2017 / 18

  • ECAC – December 7 2017

    400m Chris Neale M45 57.6 Colin Smith M50 57.9 Lee Stergiou M45 60.5 Lynne Schickert W75 2:28.5 Cecil Walkley M85 4:06.8       Vanessa Carson W35 75.6 David Carr M85 84.5 Barry Newell M60 85.6 Julie Wilson W60 89.2 Bob Schickert M75 1:30.5 Des Walsh M60 1:47.7 100m Chris Neale M45 13.2 Colin Smith…

  • November 2017

  • WAAS – December 5 2017

    *State Record 400m Rodney Lee Vis 58.9 Campbell Till M60 66.0 Mark Dawson M55 66.4 Alex Gray Vis 69.0       Barrie Kernaghan M75 81.9 Ivan Brown M70 83.2 Carol Bowman W60 83.3 Delia Baldock W55 89.9       Des Walsh M60 88.9 Julie Wilson W60 1:31.5 Bob Schickert M75 1:33.8 1500m Mark…

  • ECAC – November 30 2017

    *Pending Australian Record 60m Lee Stergiou M45 8.0 Colin Smith M50 8.4 Alex Gray Vis 9.1 Bud Huning Vis 14.1       Maureen Keshwar W65 9.6 Janne Wells W45 10.4 Cecil Walkley M85 33.6       Andrea Penny W40 10.6 Peggy Macliver W70 10.9 Des Walsh M60 11.8 1500m Matt Godfrey M40 5:37.9…

  • WAAS – November 28 2017

    *State Record 60m Bernie Riviere M50 7.8 Barrie Kernaghan M75 9.1 Norm Richards M80 9.2* (+1.9) Johan Hagedoorn M70 12.3       Lynne Choate W60 10.0 Des Walsh M60 11.3 Julie Wilson W60 11.4 Mike Anderson M65 n/t 800m Daniel Theunissen Vis 2:21.8 Fiona Leonard W50 2:43.4 Campbell Till M60 2:46.6 Mark Dawson M55…

  • ECAC – November 23 2017

    300m Lee Stergiou M45 42.8 Colin Smith M50 43.5 Barry Newell M60 58.3 Nick Miletic M65 59.3 Delia Baldock W55 59.9 Kristine Wells Vis 64.3 Des Walsh M60 66.6 Julie Wilson W60 67.2 Cecil Walkley M85 3:22.4 800m Mia Lockwood Vis 2:30.0 Vanessa Carson W35 2:39.2 Matt Godfrey M40 2:40.9 Chris Groom M50 2:41.2 Jane…

  • WAAS – November 21 2017

    *State record 100m Rodney Lee Vis 12.6 Barrie Kernaghan M75 14.9 Jane Lockwood W35 14.9       Norm Richards M80 15.4 Ivo Davies M70 15.7 Delia Baldock W55 16.9       Nick Best M40 13.0 Charlotte Best Vis 15.4 Julie Wilson W60 19.1 Des Walsh M60 19.9 Johan Hagedoorn M70 20.1 1500m Daniel…

  • ECAC – November 16 2016

    *Pending State Record 60m Colin Smith M50 8.2 Donna Abbey W45 8.9 Sue Coate W50 9.3 Patrick Jones M45 9.3       Maureen Keshwar W65 9.5 Janne Wells W45 9.8 Carol Bowman W60 11.1       Bob Schickert M75 11.8 Lynne Schickert W75 14.8 Cecil Walkley M85 33.5 1 mile Patrick Murphy Vis…

  • WAAS – November 14 2017

    *Pending State Record 400m Rob Antoniolli M65 67.7 Lisa Limonas W45 69.2 Harold Membrey M65 85.0       Daniel Theunissen Vis 64.5 Des Walsh M60 2:08.4 1000m Mark Dawson M55 3:18.7 Vanessa Carson W35 3:22.1 Julie Wilson Vis 3:26.5 Giovanni Puglisi M65 3:33.3 Quinn Lockwood Vis 3:36.9 Jim Speirs M55 3:43.9 Paul Scott-Taylor M60…

  • October 2017


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