ECAC – November 30 2017


in Track & Field Results

*Pending Australian Record

Lee Stergiou M45 8.0
Colin Smith M50 8.4
Alex Gray Vis 9.1
Bud Huning Vis 14.1
Maureen Keshwar W65 9.6
Janne Wells W45 10.4
Cecil Walkley M85 33.6
Andrea Penny W40 10.6
Peggy Macliver W70 10.9
Des Walsh M60 11.8
Matt Godfrey M40 5:37.9
Andy Abbey M45 5:50.9
Bert Carse M75 6:37.0
Alex Gray Vis 6:43.9
Alan Gray M50 6:44.6
Claire Walkley W50 7:40.9
Karyn Tolardo (walk) W50 8:13.5
Des Walsh M60 8:30.3
Cecil Walkley M85 17:52.4
Lee Stergiou M45 27.0
Matt Godfrey M40 31.7
Alex Gray Vis 32.1
Bud Huning Vis 46.6
Maureen Keshwar W65 35.3
Peggy Macliver W70 37.7
Delia Baldock W55 37.7
Carol Bowman W60 38.9
Des Walsh M60 40.9
Cecil Walkley M85 2:13.8
Andy Abbey M45 12:45.4
Ali Matautia Vis 25.23m
Jenn Parker W45 20.88m
Janne Wells W45 20.82m
Howie Ward M45 20.44m
Des Walsh M60 15.61m
Sheryl Woolley W45 13.68m
Andrea Penny W40 12.21m
Todd Davey M50 16.76m
Geoffrey Gee M60 15.43m
Matt Staunton M40 12.70m
Mal Clarke Vis 11.81m
Bev Hamilton W70 9.85m
Ali Matautia Vis 9.67m
Jenn Parker W45 9.55m
Howie Ward M45 7.70m
Janne Wells W45 7.55m
Kristine Wells Vis 6.62m
Andrea Penny W40 5.07m
Todd Davey M50 14.00m
Mal Clarke Vis 12.02m
Matt Staunton M40 10.96m
Jenn Parker W45 8.74m
Howie Ward M45 8.62m
Ali Matautia Vis 8.60m
Bev Hamilton W70 7.00m
Janne Wells W45 6.83m
Sheryl Woolley W45 6.31m
5000m Age Graded %
Giovanni Puglisi M65 20:18.0 78.75
Colin Smith M50 22:12.2 63.47
Matt Godfrey M40 23:12.6 n/a
Alan Gray M50 23:28.1 n/a
Gillian Young W70 25:02.7 84.66
Claire Walkley W50 25:49.7 n/a
Ivan Brown M70 25:54.6 65.10
Carmel Meyer W55 26:01.1 66.73
David Carr M85 26:17.6* 87.16
Sheryl Woolley W45 28:32.6 n/a
Karyn Tolardo (walk) W50 29:46.8 n/a
Triple Jump Age Graded %
Colin Smith M50 9.30m 60.94
Giovanni Puglisi M65 7.56m 61.17
Delia Baldock W55 7.00m 59.02
Maureen Keshwar W65 6.89m n/a
Carmel Meyer W55 6.46m 54.47
Ivan Brown M70 5.09m 44.69
David Carr M85 5.03m 60.46
Carol Bowman W60 4.24m 38.48


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