Patron’s Trophy



Due to the closure of WAAS, this year’s Patron’s Trophy was set up with just one eligible date for each event. This is proving to have a detrimental affect on the competition as inevitably some athletes are missing their best events through no fault of their own.

The committee have decided that this has to change. A second eligible date has been added for each event and:

  • The new programme has been posted on the website
  • As in previous years athletes can do both eligible dates and their best score will be used
  • If an athlete who is not currently in the Trophy is now able to do it, that is fine
  • It means the Trophy extends to end January
  • As Barbara indicated at the time the 400m trophy event on 10th November is null and void. Two further 400m dates have been identified.

We are sure this change will re-invigorate this year’s competition and lets hope we get as exciting a finish as last year.


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