Handicap Trophy Showdown



The final handicap race of the MAWA year is nearly upon us, Nedlands is the place for the showdown to crown the winner of the 2021 Handicap trophy.  

Zane Walsh, runner extraordinaire, with a top 6 finish in each of his five eligible races, is the runaway leader with a record low score of 19. 

But…..there’s more….. 

Having only completed in four of the five required races, and needing to compete in the final event to be eligible, we have Rashanthi Wanigasekera. 

Quietly, elegantly, and stealthily shadowing Zane, Rashanthi in her four eligible races has only thirteen points to her name. 

It is not how fast they run that will determine who wins the trophy, but how many more of their fellow runners they each manage to pass. 

To claim the trophy, Rashanthi needs to finish in the top three, while at the same time Zane finishing outside the top 5. 

A personal best and finishing ahead of Zane may not be enough for Rashanthi, if Zane can secure a top 5 finish, his hands will be on the trophy. 

Excitement down to the last race, and we can all play a part, where you place in the race can have an effect on the outcome, be a shame to miss it. 


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