
  • State Champs Photos

    Go to the links tab to find superb action photos in both Carmel Meyer and Graeme Dahl albums

  • State Championship Photos

    Both Carmel Meyer and Graeme Dahl took great photos during the State Championships. There is a link to their photo albums on the website. Just go to the links tab.

  • Track and field meets

    The final meets of the summer season will be on 19th March at WAAS and 21st March at ECAC. We will then have a 2 week break and start the winter track programme at ECAC on 11th April. This programme will be published in the usual place on the website.

  • State championship results

    The results from the main weekend are now on the website. Right sidebar in the State Championship section

  • Mothers Day – Change of Venue

    It has been necessary to change the venue for the event on 12 May – Mothers’ Day Event – as the toilets at Star Swamp will be unavailable on that day. The new venue is Okely Road in Carine – just a short distance away.

  • Free Coaching

    Barrie Kernaghan, President of North Beach Athletics Club is offering Coaching at the Charles Riley Reserve in Wending Road, North Beach and the full use of their well-equipped Gym free to MAWA members.  For further details please contact Barrie on 9447 6862.

  • Buy your 50 year anniversary top now

    We have opened the store for just one week so that members can order their 50 year anniversary top and receive it before the 50 year run on 21st April. Order using this link


    We do need some more helpers at the State Championships on 16 & 17 March. Please get in touch with Barbara if you can lend a hand. No knowledge or experience necessary –

  • Our handicapper needs help!

    Our Handicapper, Bob Colligan, is doing a great job in preparing the Handicaps for our Sunday events; however owing to work commitments, he is occasionally absent  interstate and  unable to be physically present at the handicap event.  So we are seeking someone to assist by bringing the Handicap Board to the event and providing Visitors…

  • Congratulations Melissa

    Melissa Foster broke the W45 Long Jump World Record with a pending mark of 5.71m, at the WA Open State Championships this weekend. Although Melissa currently lives in Victoria she is a long term and dedicated MAWA member. She joins Gillian, Mandy and Barbara as World Record setters in the past 3 years. What talented…


Latest News …


2023/24 membership fees are $60 for Metro and $50 for Country

Follow this link for new membership or elapsed members wishing to rejoin – Membership Form

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

Track and Field

Winter programme 2024

2023/2024 Coaching/Training Programme

Upcoming Events