• 10k road walk championships

    The results of this years Championships are now on the website under the Road Results tab. Congratulations to Andrew Duncan and Oliver Berry on State Records. Thanks to Terry Jones of the Road Walking Club for accommodating us, and to Karyn for organising on our side.

  • 10k Road Walk Championships

    The State 10k Road Walk Championships for Masters will be held by the WA Race Walking Club on Sunday 12 July from Kent Street Wilson at 8.30am

  • Sunday Photos

    Graeme Dahl’s photos from the 10km Mill Point run on 5 July can be viewed at the following link: Graeme Dahl’s Flickr Album


    The committee have met and decided that we will re-start our Sunday Run programme with Mill Point Road on 5th July. The programme to 30th September is on the website. It is the same as that published earlier in the year except that a) Sharks is replaced with Weir Run due to East Fremantle path…

  • Membership

    We have just re-opened our membership with a special $30 rate giving membership through until 30th September. The form can be accessed from the right sidebar.

  • Winter Throws at ECAC

    There will be winter throws at ECAC, weight and shot put only. See the right sidebar for details.

  • Winter Track Programme

    The winter programme is now on the website, right side-bar. See the Covid 19 rules in a previous post. It is planned to start winter throws, weight and shot only, later in July. Watch the website for details.

  • Update to ECAC conditions of use

    We have just been advised that the changing rooms and showers will now be available for use at our Thursday meetings and Monday training sessions.


    We will restart our weekly track meets on June 11th at 6pm A Covid 19 plan has been submitted to Canning Council and this requires that: – We stay 1.5m apart at all times, except when overtaking another athlete on the track – One person will fill in all sign-in details to avoid multiple handling…

  • Restart Monday morning training

    Our Monday morning training at ECAC will start on 1st June, 8am to 9am. Sanitiser will be available but please bring your own. Keep 1.5m distance from other athletes at all times. Watch the website for information on the restart of Thursday evening meets.