• 2019 State Championship Dates

    The following dates are now confirmed for next year’s State Championships. Please note carefully the significant changes from the pattern in previous years. These are designed to make it easier for members to do their full range of desired events, and lead to a less cluttered main weekend. Thurs 4 April         …

  • Patron’s Trophy 2018

    A very exciting 2018 Patron’s Trophy concluded last week. In the women’s event Gillian Young increased her 2017 total by over 50 points to overhaul last year’s winner Sue Coate. Jenn Parker just pipped Janne Wells to 3rd place. The men’s event was thrown wide open by the absence of David Carr. It was neck…

  • Committee Summary December 2018

    We have listened to member suggestions and are making an effort to consider the environment. The Club is phasing out plastic drinking cups and replacing them with paper cups. We are also replacing existing rubbish bags with plastic bags that are biodegradable. Get your name printed on your club number. Just see Russell Smith and…

  • 2018 Handicap trophy

    At the final event, we did not have our usual exciting race for the trophy, as Elizabeth already had an unassailable lead.  Congratulations to Elizabeth and the Trophy will be presented in the new year. 1.Elizabeth Gomez 2.Tristan Bell 3.Akos Gyarmathy 4.Rochelle Airey 5.Jason Kell 6.David Baird 7.Keith Atkinson 8.Brian Bennett 9.Charlie Chan 10.Bob Schickert…

  • December 2018 TFNL

    The latest edition of TFNL is now available on the magazines page. Head over to the magazines tab to download a pdf copy or view in the digital bookshelf.

  • Xmas Gift Run

    Just a reminder about the Christmas Gift Run on 23 December: Don your Christmas garb as there will be prizes for best festive outfits! If you would like to participate in Christmas gift giving please bring a wrapped gift of $10 value to place under the tree. After the untimed group run/walk (distance of your…

  • Bib Number/Name Transfers

    New Transfer Services available: Member Russell Smith can currently provide you with your number and first name transferred onto your singlet for $15 For members who don’t want a transfer onto their top but would like to have their name printed you can now have your name transferred onto your bib for $5 (partly subsidised…

  • AMA ENews December

    Please click on the link below to view your AMA Newsletter for December – please note future events. Feedback wanted from relay and non stadia participants – go in the draw to win an Australian uniform! AMA ENews December

  • Vale Rosemary

    Sad to report that Rosemary McGlashan passed away yesterday. Our sincere condolences go to Hamish.

  • Throws Coaching

    We have a new Throws Coach – Bailey Dawson will be at Ern Clark Athletics Centre on Wednesdays from 5.30pm to provide coaching for our members Starts this week 5 December – all members welcome to attend