2013 / 14

  • WMA Championships 2013 Brazil

  • WAAS – October 29 2013

    100m Rudy Kocis M50 11.9 Wendy Seegers W35 12.5 Adam Sahb VIS 13.7 800m Rob Nichols M35 2:12.7 Steve Weller M35 2:20.3 Campbell Till M55 2:23.9 Mark Dawson M50 2:33.8 Rob Colton M50 2:37.3 Grant Schofield M45 2:39.5 Tony Downey M55 2:53.2 Ivan Brown M65 3:05.7 Gary Ralston M55 3:07.8 Allan Billington M50 3:18.5 300m…

  • Cliff Bould Trophy – October 27 2013

    10.4Km Run Time H/Cap Actual Keith Atkinson M55 71:13 14:03 57:10 Giovanni Puglisi M60 72:28 26:31 45:57 Ian Carson M60 72:44 28:05 44:39 Paul Martin M70 73:04 3:08 69:56 Irwin Barrett-Lennard M80 73:53 9:07 64:46 Grahak Cunningham M35 74:05 31:08 42:57 Mike Hale M65 74:57 18:13 56:44 Kem Hassan M40 75:05 14:03 61:02 Carol Bowman…

  • ECAC – October 24 2013

    100m Ross Keane M50 18.2 Raynor Keane VIS 19.3 Ross Keane M50 17.5 Raynor Keane VIS 17.9 Steve Fuller M60 14.7 Aiden Hassan VIS 18.3 Raynor Keane VIS 18.8 800m Ross Keane M50 2:35.2 Raynor Keane VIS 3:00.4 Kem Hassan M40 3:33.7 300m Steve Fuller M60 47.8 Raynor Keane VIS 61.8 Carol Bowman W55 65.6…

  • WAAS – October 22 2013

    60m Greg Brennan M45 7.6 Wendy Seegers W35 7.7 Malcolm Clarke M40 7.7 Campbell Till M55 8.1 Dave Wyatt M60 8.6 Cathy McCloskey W50 8.8 Tony Downey M55 8.6 Fran Cherry W50 10.1 1 Mile Todd Ingraham M35 4:58.3 Andrew Brooker M40 5:19.3 Steve Weller M35 5:36.3 Mark Dawson M50 5:59.7 Keith Edmonds M45 6:00.2…

  • Gwelup Lake – October 20 2013

    8.8km Run Grahak Cunningham M35 33:35 Kim Thomas M35 34:13 V3 35:11 Paul Odam M50 35:45 Ian Carson M60 35:46 John Allen M55 37:06 V8 37:21 Sandra Stockman W45 38:05 Rod Hamilton M50 38:35 Lisa Searle W40 39:01 Jo Clarkson W55 39:20 Prabuddha Nicol M55 39:54 Kim Cook W35 40:05 Mark Dawson M50 40:38 Michael…

  • ECAC – October 10 2013

    200m Kim Thomas M35 31.4 Steve Fuller M60 31.5 Mitch Thomas VIS 34.9 Julie Willmott W45 36.2 800m Kim Thomas M35 2:38.4 Mitch Thomas VIS 2:38.7 Steve Fuller M60 2:40.0 David Carr M80 2:53.6 Julie Willmott W45 3:24.0 60m Kim Thomas M35 9.5 Mitch Thomas VIS 9.8 John Dennehy M50 9.9 Julie Willmott W45 10.9…

  • ECAC – October 17 2013

    60m Anthony Lim VIS 8.8 Steve Fuller M60 9.4 Maureen Keshwar W60 10.0 Julie Willmott W45 10.5 Rahul Moorthy VIS 9.4 Kim Thomas M35 11.5 Bob Fawcett M60 13.6 1500m Kim Thomas M35 5:07.8 Anthony Lim VIS 5:48.4 Mickey Muroi M55 5:57.7 Steve Fuller M60 6:15.0 Julie Willmott W45 6:32.4 Trish Farr W40 6:40.0 Kem…

  • WAAS – October 15 2013

    100m Garry Ralston M55 12.3 Wendy Seegers W35 12.4 Mal Clarke M40 12.8 Tony Downey M55 13.7 Dave Wyatt M60 13.8 Brian Davies VIS 14.9 David Lee VIS 13.0 Penny Ingram W35 15.5 Fran Cherry W50 15.5 600m Campbell Till M55 1:41.1 David Lee VIS 1:46.7 Tony Downey M55 1:58.0 John Dennehy M50 2:13.9 Penny…

  • Wireless Hill – October 13 2013

    9.5km Run Andrew Davidson M45 37:53 V9 38:02 Kim Thomas M35 38:21 Ian Carson M60 40:16 John Allen M55 41:28 Paul Odam M50 41:32 Rod Hamilton M50 43:20 Tony Smith M35 43:21 Jo Clarkson W55 44:05 Stuart MacKinnon M30 45:02 V3 45:03 Sue Zlnay W50 45:09 Mark Dawson M50 47:15 Brian Danby M65 47:31 V4…


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