2013 / 14

  • WAAS – March 4 2014

    60m Wendy Seegers W35 7.6 Maurice Pascal M40 7.8 Melissa Foster W35 8.0 Colin Smith M50 8.1 Lynne Choate W60 9.2 Fran Cherry W50 9.5 Barrie Kernaghan M70 9.5 100m Wendy Seegers W35 12.2 Maurice Pascal M40 12.6 Colin Smith M50 13.0 Mark Elms M45 13.2 Geoff Brayshaw M60 14.2 David Adams M35 14.4 Lynne…

  • February 2014

  • Lake Monger – March 2 2014

    10.5km Run Tony Smith M35 41:48 V22 42:15 Ante Perdija M40 43:05 V4 43:26 Sandra Stockman W45 43:31 V2 45:42 V1 45:48 Rod Hamilton M50 46:14 Stuart MacKinnon M30 46:15 Hamish McLeod M35 46:18 Ross Keane M50 47:12 Keith Miller M65 49:34 Tristan Bell M45 49:45 V18 49:56 Jackson Wong M45 50:53 Milton Mavrick M60…

  • ECAC – February 27 2014

    100m Colin Smith M50 14.2 Colin Shaw M50 14.8 Nick Fairweather M60 15.2 Julie Willmott W45 17.0 Kem Hassan M40 17.4 Bob Fawcett M60 19.3 Irwin Barrett-Lennard M80 19.7 Carolyn Fawcett W60 22.9 Kim Thomas M40 23.6 1000m Kim Thomas M40 2:56.1 Steve Fuller M60 3:25.0 Colin Shaw M50 3:53.5 David Carr M80 3:53.9 Maurice…

  • WAAS – February 25 2014

    60m Andy Taylor M35 7.2 Rudi Kocis M50 7.3 Wendy Seegers W35 7.4 Zuzana Pastuskova VIS 8.8 Campbell Till M55 8.0 Dave Wyatt M60 8.4 Mark Howard M40 8.5 David Adams M35 9.2 David Clive M75 8.9 Lynne Choate W60 9.1 Fran Cherry W50 9.2 Carmel Meyer W50 9.4 Geoff Brayshaw M60 8.8 Lynne Schickert…

  • Piney Lakes – February 23 2014

    8km Run Kim Thomas M40 31:00 Ante Perdija M40 32:19 V9 32:38 Chris Frampton M45 32:58 Rod Hamilton M50 33:10 Sandra Stockman W45 33:44 Stuart MacKinnon M30 34:47 Mark Dawson M50 35:07 Ross Keane M50 35:14 V13 36:28 Karen March W50 36:54 Darren Bottomley M45 37:48 Sue Bourn W45 38:01 Brian Bennett M65 38:14 Tristan…

  • ECAC – February 20 2014

    60m Ryan Trimby VIS 7.6 Mark Howard M40 8.6 David Solomon M45 8.6 Colin Smith M50 9.6 John Fisher M50 12.9 Bernard Riviere M45 8.1 Lisa Limonas W45 9.0 Kim Thomas M40 9.4 Maureen Keshwar W60 9.7 Sonia Tingay W40 11.2 Mitch Thomas VIS 10.1 Bob Fawcett M60 11.1 Raynor Keane VIS 12.5 Lynne Schickert…

  • WAAS – February 18 2014

    200m Wendy Seegers W35 25.2 Chris Neale M40 25.6 Ian Cotton M45 26.9 Mark Elms VIS 27.4 Geoff Brayshaw M60 30.9 Terry Faulkner M70 30.9 Fran Cherry W50 33.0 Jim Woosley VIS 33.5 Carmel Meyer W50 31.8 Lynne Choate W60 32.5 Peter Gare M70 34.2 Irwin Barrett-Lennard M80 40.7 800m Niamh Keane W45 2:43.3 Bert…

  • Woodman Point – February 16 2014

    10km Run Sandra Stockman W45 41:55 V10 42:31 Stuart MacKinnon M30 44:03 Bjorn Dybdahl M60 44:29 Steve Hossack M50 46:18 Dan Baldwin M40 46:19 Craig Trudgian M50 47:42 Darren Bottomley M45 48:38 Ross Keane M50 48:44 Karen Peace W40 49:38 V6 49:59 Clive Choate M60 50:33 Claire Walkley W45 51:00 Maree Brown W45 51:37 Gail…

  • ECAC – February 13 2014

    200m Lisa Limonas W45 30.2 Kristy Devereux W30 30.5 Alex Purcell VIS 33.0 Mitch Thomas VIS 34.1 Kim Thomas M40 34.5 Ryan Trimby VIS 25.5 Thomas Samsa VIS 32.1 Hannah Samsa VIS 34.5 David Carr M80 34.5 John Fisher M50 40.7 Julie Willmott W45 35.3 Nick Fairweather M60 37.5 Kem Hassan M40 40.0 Maurice Creagh…


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