2017 / 18

  • WAAS – January 23 2018

      60m Ian Hannaby M45 8.3 Cathy McCloskey W50 8.7 Nicola Hibbert W35 8.9 Des Walsh M60 8.9       Sue Coate W50 9.0 Barrie Kernaghan M75 9.4 Stephen Crabbe M70 9.6 Brendon Hannaby Vis 10.7       Fran Cherry W50 10.2 Quewin Gould Vis 10.9 Gay Wyatt W60 11.5 Johan Hagedoorn M70…

  • ECAC – January 18 2018

    400m Bernie Riviere M50 64.3 Keith Hill M55 67.6 Dawson Miller M50 74.8 Donna Abbey W45 75.1 Carmel Meyer W55 75.3 Richard Wassell M50 82.7 David Carr M85 87.5 Barry Newell M60 1:30.1 Cecil Walkley M85 4:33.0 1500m Vanessa Carson W35 5:10.8 Matt Godfrey M40 5:39.7 Chris Groom M50 5:46.4 Alan Gray M50 5:49.2 Bob…

  • WAAS – January 16 2018

      200m Greg Brennan M45 26.3 Iain Hannaby Vis 28.0 Lisa Limonas W45 30.3 Dawson Miller M50 34.5       Rachael Coate Vis 29.9 Sue Coate W50 31.1 Carmel Meyer W55 32.7 Lynne Choate W65 33.5       Kristine Wells Vis 34.7 David Baird M70 35.5 Carol Bowman W60 37.4 Delia Baldock W55…

  • ECAC – January 11 2018

    *State Record 300m Hurdles Nick Fairweather M65 75.9 Harold Membrey M65 76.9 Carol Bowman W60 80.7 Delia Baldock W55 68.7 Janne Wells W45 70.6 Kristine Wells Vis 72.2 60m Bernie Riviere M50 8.2 Colin Smith M55 8.2 David Baird M70 10.9 Nick Fairweather M65 11.2 Harold Membrey M65 10.2 Gerry Tomekova Vis 10.3 Andrea Penny…

  • WAAS – January 9 2018

      100m Lisa Limonas W45 14.1 Dave Wyatt M65 14.4 Sue Coate W50 14.7 Barrie Kernaghan M75 15.2       Vicki Cobby W45 14.8 Lynne Choate W60 15.3 David Baird M70 17.5 Peter Muller Vis 18.0       Nicola Hibbert W35 14.3 Grace McMahon Vis 14.5 Julie Wilson W60 18.0 Gay Wyatt W60…

  • December 2017

  • ECAC – December 21 2017

    *State Record **Pending Australian Record ***Pending World Record   1500m Patrick M Vis 4:52.2 Vanessa Carson W35 5:20.3 Calum Membrey Vis 5:55.8 Alan Gray M50 5:56.7 Rob Antoniolli M65 6:25.1 Gillian Young W70 6:49.7 Tom Lenane M60 7:18.1 Claire Walkley W50 7:36.4 Andrea Penny W40 7:55.0 Cecil Walkley M85 17:48.6 400m Colin Smith M50 57.3…

  • WAAS – December 19 2017

    200m Rebekah Ford Vis 27.2 Ellaby Hansen Vis 28.4 Alex Gray Vis 36.9 Alan Gray M50 36.9       Michael Byrne M65 29.5 Des Walsh M60 30.9 Barrie Kernaghan M75 31.7 David Baird M70 37.0       Grace McMahon Vis 30.3 Carmel Meyer W55 32.1 Faith Quinlivan Vis 35.8       Delia…

  • ECAC – December 14 2017

    60m Colin Smith M50 8.0 Bernie Riviere M50 8.1 Rob Antoniolli M65 8.8 Alex Gray Vis 9.0 Mercurio Cicchini M65 10.4       Grace McMahon Vis 9.3 Jenn Parker W45 9.5 Maureen Keshwar W65 9.8 Janne Wells W45 10.3 Julie Wilson W60 11.7       Andrew Spratt M45 10.9 Veronica Stevens Vis 10.9…

  • WAAS – December 12 2017

    300m Lee Stergiou M45 41.3 Cathy McCloskey W50 52.3 Alan Gray M50 54.8 Paul Scott-Taylor M60 73.1       Fiona Leonard W50 50.8 Barrie Kernaghan M75 52.4 Olivia Carson Vis 53.8 Vanessa Carson W35 54.4 Des Walsh M60 62.4 60m Cathy McCloskey W50 8.8 Des Walsh M60 9.1 Barrie Kernaghan M75 9.9    …


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